The Indiana Department of Transportation will hold a public information meeting on Thursday, August 31 for the proposed I-65 and U.S. 52 Interchange Improvement Project. This project extends approximately 1.62 miles north and 0.45 mile south along I-65, from the existing I-65 and U.S. 52 Interchange. The meeting will be held at Lebanon High School, located at 510 Tiger Way in Lebanon. Please enter through Door Five. The presentation is set to begin at 7:00 p.m. An informal open house session will follow, providing community members an opportunity to view project exhibits and displays, as well as interact with the project team. The public information meeting is an opportunity for INDOT and design consultant American Structurepoint to meet with members of the community regarding the project and answer any questions the public may have. Meeting materials, including exhibits and the presentation, will be posted online prior to the meeting on the project website. Public comments may also be submitted online. The need for the proposed project is evidenced by the lack of access due to the partial I-65/U.S. 52 interchange that only provides I-65 northbound to U.S. 52 westbound access and U.S. 52 eastbound to I-65 southbound access. I-65 traffic must utilize the SR 47 and SR 32 interchanges to reach the areas east and west of I-65 near the U.S. 52 interchange, as well as utilize less direct routes through low-speed residential areas and downtown Lebanon. Due to the increased traffic congestion from development, the I-65/U.S. 52 interchange under existing conditions is expected to operate at a level of service (LOS) F (unacceptable) in the 2035 and the 2045 (design year) AM peak hours. LOS is a scale (A through F) which classifies operating conditions of roads. In general, the operating conditions of roads are considered acceptable if found to operate at LOS D or better. The purpose of the proposed project is to provide improved mobility and direct access to the areas east and west of I-65, north of Lebanon, as well as increase the LOS of the I-65/U.S. 52 interchange to LOS D or better.
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