Frankfort— April 27, 2020— The Frankfort Main Street Board of Directors decided, after looking at all options and consulting with the Indiana State Festivals Association, to postpone the 26 Annual Frankfort Hot Dog Festival until July 30-31, 2021.
Today we are exactly 90 days out from what would be opening day of the much-loved Frankfort Hot Dog Festival. This was one of the hardest decisions that the Frankfort Main Street Board of Directors has been faced with in years. Due to COVID-19, community festivals and events have taken a tremendous hit, affecting everyone one from the local communities, festival vendors, entertainers and service organizations. Preparing for an event of this size takes months of planning and organizing. With everything on hold due to the Federal and State mandates, and not knowing when they will be lifted, Frankfort Main Street feels a responsibility to do our part in helping to keep our community safe. For future events and updates go to the Frankfort Main Street and Frankfort Hot Dog Festival Facebook pages or Kim Stevens – 765-654-4081.