During Monday’s Frankfort Board of Works meeting Frankfort Street Department Superintendent Jason Forsythe was given the go ahead to begin the process of applying for a grant that would fund the replacement of warning signs - stop signs, yield signs, white and yellow signs - throughout the city. Forsythe will work with representatives from Butler Fairman & Seufert (BF&S) to inventory all those signs and develop a cost associated for their replacement. The grant Forsythe hopes to win is made available by the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) via the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). The grant is 90-percent, 10-percent - leaving the city to budget for the 10-percent. The BOW unanimously approved moving forward with the grant application and web tool with BF&S with an upfront cost not to exceed $10,000 which will be billed hourly.
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